Published by Anonymous

Free PR on the GRID.
We'll be publishing a series of interviews and profiles with growth company CEOs and Founders in the build up to the launch of Directorzone, to appear under: GROWTH stories, e.g.:
- i/v - YOOMI: technology, heroic innovation & overseas growth
- i/v – RAINBIRD: going global with AI
- i/v – GNAW CHOCOLATE: hand-made in Norfolk for world markets
- i/v – ALLIES COMPUTING: 100% employee-owned makes it personal
- i/v - HARVIE & HUDSON: heritage business flies again
- i/v - NAKED ELEMENT: crunching complexity
If you run a great company that deserves more recognition for its innovation and success - and would like to be interviewed - then please get in touch
GRID companies are distinguished by their GRowth, Innovation and/or Direction (strategy / implementation / management). They can be at any revenue stage, but they are all revving their engines on the GRID to sell, export, buy, partner, hire, win investment and to succeed! List: GRID companies profiled on Directorzone.
The GRID marketplace is the engine room that drives our economy. The stories of these companies will illustrate how the GRID works, connects and succeeds.
- The story – your company’s journey to success: growth, innovation and challenges overcome.
- Metrics, where relevant – i.e. size, sector, growth statistics, team, export areas…
- Future – goals + insight into what's on your To Do list.
- GRID co-ordinates: examples of business relationships (suppliers, customers, partners...).
DIRECTORZONE a company marketplace and platform that:
- PROMOTES companies in order to increase the quality of their market recognition and connections
- CONNECTS GRID companies with target counter-parties: customers, suppliers, partners, investors, staff, media…
- GENERATES business opportunities by matching expertise and resources with market requirements.
If you’d like your company to be interviewed and profiled on this site, please contact Directorzone.