Published by Ronan Bryan on May 8, 2019, 9:00 am in Promotion, Blog post

Your company is successful, growing and innovative.
You operate in a dynamic environment that changes constantly, 24x7: buying, selling, making, hiring, firing, planning and delivering for your customers and stakeholders.
Its also an uncertain environment: triumph and disaster are always just around the corner.
PROBLEMS & SOLUTIONS: faster, smarter, better?
Where do you go to find the ideas, contacts, business opportunities, support, market intelligence, inspiration and resources that will help your business to thrive?
LinkedIn, Facebook,, bespoke online marketplaces, representative bodies and/or business networks?
There is a relevance and time management problem with some or all of these models – filtering information and business approaches that can often be ill-matched, mediocre or completely inappropriate.
If these models don't work well enough for your business, you would probably welcome access to a combined marketplace, platform and network community of like-minded businesses:
- for market intelligence and problem-solving
- with better and faster access to relationships and opportunities
- where you can find better customers, staff, suppliers, partners, lenders and investors
An arena where relevance, trust, reliable information and speed of access helps growth companies to succeed through:
- DEAL FLOW. Access to better information, counter-parties and opportunities - faster than your competitors and ahead of the multiple deadlines that constrain your company.
- ACCESS to the best customers, partners, suppliers, investors and staff by boosting your company’s public profile and through discreet procurement exercises.
This is what Directorzone is building. We call it the GRID.
The GRID: under the radar
Life is much more challenging for dynamic companies in the £1m - 400m turnover range, compared to larger blue chip, multi-national, quoted companies with established markets and huge lobbying power.
Small to medium-sized companies tend to come under the national and global radar screen for access to business opportunities, investment and support.
Directorzone identifies this sector as the GRID: companies with strong GRowth, Innovation and Direction, and the main drivers of growth in national GDP, tax receipts, exports and jobs.
Directorzone was set up to connect GRID companies with opportunities, solutions, market intelligence and business ideas.
Accelerators: supporting GRID companies
Directorzone is geared up for connecting GRID companies with 'accelerator' organisations - strategic suppliers of capital, advice or other support - that, if required, can help their growth and success:
- ADVISERS - legal, accounting, funding...
- INVESTORS - angels, VCs, funds, corporates...
- LENDERS - banks, invoice factoring, peer-to-peer...
- GOVERNMENT departments - exports, grants, advice...
- MEDIA - print, TV, radio, social media...
- CORPORATES - large companies, blue chips, multi-nationals...
Welcome to the Directorzone and the GRID
The web site that you are on gives a glimpse of functionalities and content. The more advanced Directorzone web site - currently under construction and testing - prioritises very structured, purposeful information and business interactions in these areas:
MARKETPLACE: anonymous wanted and offered listings + matching (effectively classified advertising) in 7 areas:
- JOBS - Director and managerial level
- PARTNERSHIP - sales, distribution, R&D...;
- BUSINESSES - for sale, franchises...
- FINANCE - investment, loans, grants, invoice factoring...
- ASSETS - plant, machinery, land, property, IP...
- GOODS - raw materials, components....
- SERVICES - legal, accounting, IT, HR, financial...
PLATFORM: a fast-changing, searchable repository of articles covering:
- NEWS - deals, markets, innovation, events, movers...
- OPINION - blog, comments...
- KNOWLEDGE - issues, advice, how to...
NETWORK: access to thousands of GRID companies and Accelerators through:
- PROFILES - companies and individual directories...
- CONNECTIONS - member to member. messaging..
- MEETING REQUESTS - make opportunitiess fit with your schedule...
Design principles
Directorzone is designed for company directors who need to move fast and effectively:
- All content is from or about market participants with real requirements, achievements and opportunities.
- All contributors are encouraged to communicate useful content economically.
- All articles, listings and profiles are tagged, filtered and cross-referenced for quick evaluation and maximum clarity.
Directorzone is built around these principles:
- Procurement-friendly: breaking down business requirements into digestible and searchable components.
- Buyer anonymity: to generate efficient seller responses that buyers can select from.
- Be found: succinct, structured and positive content published by smart businesses to get noticed
- Knowledge marketing: free advice from accelerators to demonstrate expertise attract the best counter-parties and to grow your business.
Directorzone model
Directorzone is focussing initially on the UK market and, at the same time, welcoming overseas companies that seek to operate in the UK marketplace as the Directorzone grows.
Directorzone will make money through:
- Membership fees for publishing articles, listings, comments and profiles.
- Connection / matching services
- Higher level market access through:
- Advertising
- Brokerage
- Analysis: mapping the business marketplace by charting activity, relationships, requirements and trends.
Tell me more about the GRID
Please have a look around the Directorzone website to see our coverage of the GRID marketplace:
- 1253 profiles: 15% quoted, 85% private; small to medium-sized (£0-400m turnover):
- press coverage of 1,000+ GRID companies
- Growth company + GRID market statistics
Get in touch
Please contact us if you’d like to:
- keep in touch - for advance notice of when the Marketplace buyer / seller matching functionality is ready
- contribute marketplace content (growth companies) or knowledge articles (advisers + all)
- be interviewed (GRID CEOs)
- discuss partnership opportunities.